Authentic Learning Element 3
"Access to expert performances and the modelling of processes"- Real world connection...
Let's explore the third element of Authentic learning which is to "Provide access to expert performance and the modelling of processes with the video below -
Debate-A-Palooza 2011, Introductory Remarks Dr. Brian Lain, Dr. Michael Burgess
Expert Performance could be referred to as providing students access to expert thinking and modelling of processes. Some attributes of this element of authentic learning will include:
Creating a platform for students to have a feel of how experts would act or think. An example of an authentic in-classroom activities that caters for this attribute can be seen in "debates and deliberations", here students are required to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize knowledge. Debates and deliberations help build modes of thinking that students need as professionals. In the video above, UNT Associate Professor, Dr. Brain Lain’s “Debate-A-Palooza” sets up an experiential learning activity where students from a class group debates over current relevant political topics against groups from other class sections. In addition, an expert in this field; a local congress member gives some insights/keynote presentation in relation to the debates students have engaged in.
Access to learners in various levels of expertise and opportunities for the sharing of narratives and stories. These two attributes emphasizes the “Wisdom of the crowd”. Surowiecki (2004) argued that the shared wisdom of the crowd can be more accurate and insightful (because of the range of experience and reflections) than any single expert opinion.
It is therefore important to consider these few questions in relation to providing expert performances when designing an authentic learning environment –
- In what variety of ways are students able to access expert skill and opinion from the learning environment?
- Is there a platform established in the learning environment where learners can gain access to other learners at various stages of expertise?
- Are learners able to share their professional practice experiences and hear as well learn from other’s experiences?
Debate-A-Palooza 2011, Introductory Remarks Dr. Brian Lain, Dr. Michael Burgess -
Elements of Authentic Learning: Expert Performance -
Creating Experiential Learning Experiences in the classroom -
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